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Version 1.0
A BASIC Animation Programming Tool for the IBM PC
User's Manual
Copyright 1983 by Jan B. Young
April 29, 1983
V1.0 User's Manual
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
A. Overview 2
B. Capabilities 2
C. Benefits and Advantages 3
D. Requirements 3
II. General Information
A. Description of Functions 4
B. Definition of Terms 5
C. Explanation of General Concepts 5
III. How to Use the Program
A. What to Do The First Time (Only) 7
B. Using The Designer 8
C. Using Files Created by The Designer 11
D. "DEMO" 12
E. What To Do If an Error Occurs 13
IV. Administration
A. Warranty and Disclaimer 14
B. Program Distribution 14
C. Questions and Problems 14
D. Maintenance and Enhancements 15
V. Reference Material
A. Command Summary 16
April 29, 1983 Page 1
V1.0 User's Manual
The Designer is a programming tool for BASIC users working with animated
graphics on an IBM-PC. It can be of significant value to people writing
graphic games and to people interested in experimenting with animation.
The Designer is written in IBM advanced BASIC (BASICA). The source code is
included for those who wish to study and/or modify it. Since The Designer
uses dynamic array dimensioning, it cannot be compiled.
Included with The Designer is a demonstration program which illustrates one
way to program animation. "Demo" is also provided in source code form so
you can study and/or modify it as you wish.
The Designer is distributed without charge. If you are using it and find it
to be of value, a contribution ($25 suggested) would be appreciated.
Jan B. Young
767 N. Holden St.
Port Washington, Wi. 53074
Regardless of whether you make a contribution or not, individuals, clubs,
and other non-profit organizations are granted permission to copy and
distribute programs, data files, and documentation to others, providing that
no charge is made for the software. Distribution costs may be charged to
recipients providing they do not exceed $7 per copy.
The programs, data files, and documentation may be modified as desired by
any individual or non-profit organization, and the modified materials
distributed providing the following is retained without modification: all
appearances of the copyright notice, all warranty disclaimers, all material
explaining distribution policies, and all requests for contributions. Users
distributing modified program or documentation copies are also required to
add the words "User Modified" wherever The Designer's version number appears
and must distribute without charge (other than the $7 maximum distribution
The objective of The Designer is to create data files of two types,
"screens" and "sprites". A "screen file" contains the image of a fixed
background (the scenery behind your game). A "sprite file" contains the
image of a character which your BASIC programs can move about. The
completed screen and sprite files are input data for your animation
The Designer features full use of the PC's function keys to control program
function. It has online-help capabilities and is able to print a handy
reference card on your printer. This documentation is included on the disk.
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V1.0 User's Manual
The Designer was born of the frustration involved in an early attempt on my
part to write a game. I found that I was spending as much time creating the
images as I was programming the game logic and decided that a generalized
tool would be of value.
With The Designer, your PC can be used like an artist's canvas. You can
draw on the screen in color, store your work in either "screen" or "sprite"
form, and recall it later to make changes. All calculations required to
create the files are performed automatically and you need concern yourself
only with the artwork and the graphic appearance of your images.
The Designer, together with Demo, can also be a learning experience for you
if you aren't familiar with animation programming. Since Demo is
modifiable, it gives you a starting place and some ideas for program
architecture and design.
Whether your programs are modifications of Demo or not, they can directly
read both screen and sprite files created by The Designer, limiting your
programming effort to the game logic and its presentation to the user.
The Designer requires an IBM-PC with at least 64K of memory, PC-DOS with
BASICA, a color/graphics adapter, an 80-character display, and at least one
disk drive (two recommended).
The Designer, and this manual, assume that you have a beginning
understanding of programming concepts and a beginning knowledge of BASIC.
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V1.0 User's Manual
The Designer supports ten different functions, each accessed by pressing a
function key on the IBM PC. All functions are available at any time, simply
by pressing the appropriate function key.
The Designer's ten functions are:
Fctn Key Function
-------- ------------------------------------------------------------
1 NEW - Begin a new image on the screen. Both high and medium
resolution are supported. Colors are supported to the
extent that the color/graphics adapter supports them.
The cursor control keys are used to draw lines. Special
commands draw diagonals, circles, arcs and paint-in areas
with color.
2 SCL - Scale. The Designer can expand and contract images on
the screen. This allows you to create an original image
in a convenient size and then enlarge or reduce it for
actual use.
3 SSP - Store Sprite. Function key 3 causes the image now on
the display to be stored as a sprite.
4 SSC - Store Screen. Function key 4 causes the image now on
the display to be stored as a background screen.
5 RSP - Retrieve Sprite. The Designer can, of course, read
the sprite files it creates and permits sprites to be
modified. Modified sprites can be saved either as a new
sprite or as a screen.
6 RSC - Retrieve Screen. Similar to sprites, saved screens can
be retrieved from disk, modified and saved. Segments of
screens can be saved as sprites, giving flexibility
in the application of your artwork.
7 TXT - Add Text. Sometimes background screens (or even
sprites) involve text characters. The Designer includes
a library of characters, and is able to locate them on
your artwork as you direct.
8 ANI - Test Animation. Since the overall effectiveness of
animated graphics is dependent on the integration of
screens and sprites, The Designer includes the ability
to simultaneously retrieve a screen and a sprite, to
display both, and to permit movement of the sprite.
9 INS - Instructions. Function key 9 returns you to the
master menu from any place in The Designer. From the
master menu, helps covering all functions and general
system use can be requested. In addition, the master
menu permits changes to the default disk drive and the
printing of a handy reference card.
10 Stop. Function key 10 stops execution of The Designer.
These functions are explained in further detail in section III.C.
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V1.0 User's Manual
The Designer uses the following terms which may be new to you:
Pixel - The color/graphics adapter's display is made up of a large number of
dots, called pixels. The pixels can be colored in medium resolution and
black or white in high resolution. Medium resolution graphics gives you
200 pixels vertically by 320 horizontally. High resolution gives you 200
by 640.
Screen - "Screens" are commonly used as backgrounds in animation
programming. By definition, a screen is the full size of your display
(200x320 pixels in medium resolution and 200x640 in high resolution).
Screens are retrieved using the BASIC BLOAD statement.
Sprite - "Sprites" are smaller figures which can be superimposed on screens
and moved about as dictated by game logic. Sprites require more memory
per unit area than screens, but are movable in single pixel increments.
The smaller the sprite, the faster it moves and the less memory it uses.
Image & Figure - The Designer uses the terms Image and Figure
interchangably to denote artwork on the display. Since artwork can
become either a "screen" or a "sprite" at your command, The Designer
refrains from using terms which imply one orientation or the other.
BASICA supports two key statements of value to the programmer working with
animation: BLOAD and PUT. You should read about these statements in the
BASIC manual, as well as reviewing the short explanations given here.
The BASIC BLOAD statement moves data from a file to a location in memory
specified by the programmer. One of the major uses for BLOAD is the
transfer of an image from a file into the screen buffer.
The color/graphics screen buffer is 16K long, so the operation of BLOAD
takes a few seconds. BLOAD fills the buffer linearly. Since the display
unit scans the display (and uses the buffer) in an odd-even pattern, you
will be able to watch BLOAD work first in horizontal stripes, and then
filling in between the stripes.
When programming with BLOAD, remember that the statement assumes that files
to be loaded will be qualified with ".BAS". If you rename a screen file
that was created by The Designer, be sure to retain the .BAS suffix.
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V1.0 User's Manual
PUT differs from BLOAD in several respects. First, it moves data only into
the screen buffer and only from a basic subscripted variable. Second, it is
able to load a portion of the buffer as directed by the programmer, while
BLOAD is really effective only for loading the entire buffer. And third, it
is able to restore the screen to its prior appearance, simply by executing
another PUT (using the XOR mode).
PUT works under four modes: AND, OR, XOR, and PSET. The use of these modes
is explained in the BASIC manual, but may be best understood by
experimenting with them. Try creating a screen and sprite using The
Designer, and then use The Designer's animation test facility to experiment
with the different modes.
Remember that PUT runs much faster on small sprites than on large ones.
Animation of small characters, therefore, will be much faster and smoother
than large ones.
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V1.0 User's Manual
When you first receive The Designer, it will have the following files on the
DESIGNER.BAS The Designer program
VERBIAGE Helps, menus, and the like. This file is
input data. The Designer won't run
without it.
TEXTCHAR Text character images. If this file is
deleted, The Designer will work, but use
of Function Key 7 will cause an abend.
DESIGNER.DOC This document, which can be printed by
DEMO.BAS Animation Demo Program
MOUSE.SPR Input to Demo (See IV.C)
MAZE.RES Input to Demo (See IV.C)
MAZE.BAS Input to Demo (See IV.C)
Starting The Designer the first time is done like this:
Step 1: BACKUP THE DISK. This is IMPORTANT. Use DOS DISKCOPY and a fresh,
blank disk for backup. If you need help, read about DISKCOPY in your DOS
Step 2: If you're anxious to play with your new toy (as I always am when I
get new software) do step 2. If you want to do it "right" the first
time, then skip step 2 and proceed to step 3.
Insert your DOS disk in drive A and boot the system. Type "BASICA" to
invoke advanced basic. Remove the DOS disk and insert The Designer.
Step 3. To do it "right":
a. If you have only one disk drive, you may want to create a "production"
version of The Designer. To do this, first format a blank diskette,
and then move the following files onto it using DOS COPY:
DESIGNER.BAS, VERBIAGE, TEXTCHAR. The other files delivered on The
Designer's diskette are not required for operation of the system.
b. Insert your DOS diskette in drive A and boot the system.
c. Type "SYS B:". When the prompt appears, insert The Designer. This
step loads the hidden files IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM onto The
Designer's diskette.
d. Type "COPY COMMAND.COM B:". When the first prompt appears, replace
The Designer with the DOS disk. When the second appears, put The
Designer back.
April 29, 1983 Page 7
V1.0 User's Manual
e. Repeat 2c, typing "COPY BASICA.COM B:". This completes installation
of the IBM software on The Designer's diskette.
f. Now type the following commands:
Once you have completed step 3, The Designer can be started by booting
your PC with The Designer's diskette in drive A.
4. Regardless of whether you use step 2 or step 3, the first time you
operate The Designer, it will ask you which drive should be used for
storage. Respond with A, B, C, or D. This data will be stored in a new
file called DESIGNER.DRV and you will not be asked the question again
(unless the new file is destroyed). If you want to change the
designation at any time, you can do so. See section B.3 below for
Detailed instructions for operating The Designer appear in the helps which
are available online during any session. For reasons of space economy, most
of this information is not duplicated here. Instead, this section of the
manual contains additional information and hints which may be of value.
The helps can be printed and appended to this manual if you wish to do so.
Printing can be done by running The Designer, calling the helps from the
main menu, and using PrtSc to print them.
1. Overall Scheme
The Designer is intended to be a tool for the programmer who is interested
in experimenting with animated graphics or writing games or other animations
using the IBM BASICA lanugage on an IBM PC.
BASIC provides several powerful animation statements permitting the
programmer to display backgrounds and movable elements and to move them
around the screen. In particular, the BLOAD and PUT statements are
valuable. These statements move images onto the screen and are capable of
animation. You should refer to the IBM BASIC manual for more information.
But, BLOAD and PUT both require images which have already been created and
exist either in memory or in a disk file. BASIC provides no significant
support for the creation of the images.
This is The Designer's role - the creation of backgrounds and movable
characters in a form usable by the BASIC BLOAD and PUT statements.
Assuming you are writing a game involving animated graphics, The Designer is
intended to be used as follows:
April 29, 1983 Page 8
V1.0 User's Manual
- Design your game. Divide the display images into fixed backgrounds
and movable characters. Get a rough idea of the game logic and think
about the shape, form and color of screens and sprites.
- Use The Designer to draw and save, one by one, the screens and sprites
your game will use.
- Use The Designer's animation test facilities to inspect the screens
and sprites in combination to assure that things fit and look good
- Start the programming. Use the BASIC manual for help with the BLOAD
and PUT statements. Look over the Demo program that comes with The
Designer for ideas and for help in applying the screen and sprite
files created by The Designer.
- If you find that additional screens and sprites are required, use The
Designer to make them.
- If you find that changes are needed to screens and sprites, The
Designer will help you make them.
2. Starting
If you have been through the steps in section III.A of this manual, starting
The Designer is a matter only of inserting the diskette in drive A and
booting your PC. If you have not done III.A, refer to it for instructions
on starting The Designer.
3. Using the Function Keys
With only a very few exceptions, any function key can be used at any time
throughout The Designer. However, be careful when you have artwork in
progress. If, for instance, you use function key 9 (which calls up the main
menu) with artwork in progress, The Designer will assume that you are done
with the artwork and will clear the screen to fill your request for the
4. Changing the Default Disk Drive
To change the default diskette drive used by The Designer for storage of
screen and sprite files, move to the master menu (F9) and type DRV. The
menu will be refreshed and the notation (last line) showing the default
drive will change. Moving from A to B requires one entry of DRV. Moving
from B to A requires cycling through C and D. All changes to the default
drive are permanent and will remain in effect through future uses of The
Designer until explicity changed by you.
5. Cursor Management
The use of function keys 2, 5 or 6 immediately results in changing the
cursor to the current foreground color. Therefore, the cursor can be made
April 29, 1983 Page 9
V1.0 User's Manual
to disappear by setting the foreground color as appropriate to your
situation before using these function keys. If the foreground color is not
correctly set, the cursor will become a permanent part of the image and it
will be necessary to retrieve the saved image to erase it. Therefore,
always check foreground color before using function keys 2, 5, or 6.
6. Using the Enter Key
The Designer is largely controlled with fixed-length commands and function
keys. To make it easier to use, it is designed to respond to commands
without waiting for you to press the enter key. In most cases the enter key
has been rendered inoperative.
The exception to this rule lies in the entry of file names which can be
anywhere from one to eight characters long. Since The Designer does not
know how long a file name will be, it waits for you to press enter before
7. File Names.
When storing or retreiving either screens or sprites, The Designer requests
a file name. The Designer will append file qualifiers, relieving you of the
need to type them.
It is best to refrain from using "DESIGNER" as a file name. You might
overwrite the program itself, permanently loosing it. Unless Demo has been
moved to another diskette, "DEMO", "MOUSE", and "MAZE" should also be
considered reserved names.
8. Upper and Lower Case
In all cases but one, if you type lower case characters into The Designer,
they will be converted into upper case before being displayed or used.
Therefore, you need not be concerned about cases.
The exception is function 7, which allows inclusion of text on your images.
Since both upper and lower case characters are supported, the status of the
shift, and capslock keys will be recognized and used.
9. Sound
The Designer involves a great deal of full-screen work which cannot be
disturbed by printing messages on the display. Yet in some cases, The
Designer needs to confirm that it has completed a requested task, and in
some cases it has to report problems.
The display-in-use problem is circumvented using the PC's speaker. When The
Designer wants to confirm that it has done what you asked it to (and
particularly when its actions do not make any visible change to the screen),
it will confirm with three high-pitched beeps. When The Designer encounters
an error, it reports with a low-pitched warble.
April 29, 1983 Page 10
V1.0 User's Manual
C. Using Files Created by The Designer
The Designer is intended to be a tool to create data files which will be
read by your programs. Discussion of the contents of these files and of
their use in your programs is, therefore, important.
Screen Files
When you save a screen using The Designer, two files are created. The file
names default to SCREEN.RES and SCREEN.BAS, but can be changed by The
Designer if you tell it to do so, or can be changed using RENAME later.
The RES file will consist of a single record containing the following
The resolution (2= high, 1=medium)
The background color (0 through 15)
The palette (0 or 1)
The RES file is necessary because this information is not stored by BSAVE in
creating the BAS file. Since BASIC does not provide a simple way of
appending the screen to the RES file, two files are used.
The RES file should be read with the following BASIC statements (obviously
you should use the correct file and variable names for your program) taken
from DEMO.
Use of the RES file is not required in your program. If you know the
correct values for the resolution, background color, and palette, you can
write them into the program and avoid using the RES file. You can even
erase the RES file. If, however, you aren't sure what the values might be
in the future, data in the RES file can be checked to prevent errors.
The BAS file is used directly by BLOAD. Its format and contents are
controlled entirely by BASIC. The required statements are:
Sprite Files
Saving a sprite results in the creation of a single data file bearing a name
you specified (there is no default in this case) with a .SPR extension.
April 29, 1983 Page 11
V1.0 User's Manual
The first record in a sprite file contains the following:
The resolution (2= high, 1=medium)
The palette (0 or 1)
The size of the array required to hold the sprite
The width of the sprite (in pixels)
The height of the sprite (in pixels).
Subsequent records contain the ASCII values of the characters that need to
be loaded into the array to represent the sprite.
The statements required to load a sprite from a file created by The Designer
FOR I=0 to ARR
INPUT #1, J(0),J(1),J(2),J(3)
FOR N = 0 to 3
Similar to Screen files, if you know the resolution and palette information
and the array size, you can avoid a small amount of computing by writing the
values directly into your program. In this case, you will have to delete
the first line from the sprite file using either EDLIN or some other editor.
The sprite width and height are supplied only as a convenience to you. They
need not be used at all in your program.
When your program has finished loading the array, and has moved the screen
into the screen buffer, the BASIC PUT statement is used to apply and remove
the sprite from the screen according to your program's logic.
The program "Demo" is intended only as a demonstration of the abilities of
The Designer and of BASICA animation. It is not a game, nor is it the
ultimate in animation technique. In fact, Demo is purposefully less than
optimum to enhance program legibility.
Demo, when run, displays a maze and a mouse than wanders randomly (and
slowly) through the maze. Compiling this program will make the mouse move
much faster and will make watching it more fun, but will eliminate the real
benefit of the program, reading the code.
April 29, 1983 Page 12
V1.0 User's Manual
To run Demo, stop The Designer with function key 10 and type "RUN DEMO".
Demo requires no user input - you can just sit and watch it go. When you
are tired of it, stop it with Cntl-Break and type "LIST" to see the program.
Print the program using "LLIST" and study, especially, the use of the
MOUSE.SPR, MAZE.RES, and MAZE.BAS files in lines 10180 through 10410.
The Designer should catch all possible user errors and provide complete
error diagnostics and opportunities to correct errors online. Since the
online diagnostics are very complete, they are not documented here, with one
The Designer uses dynamic array definition to build arrays for transferring
sprites from your display to diskette. It is possible for you to attempt to
store a sprite which is so large that the required array would exceed the
available memory.
Should you exceed the available memory, The Designer will detect the problem
before crashing. Since your sprite is still on the screen, and is stored
nowhere except the screen buffer, The Designer refrains from clearing the
screen and provides only an error tone (a low warble - see above). When
this happens, you have a choice: You can reduce the size of the sprite by
closing down the box further, or you can abort the whole thing by pressing a
function key.
The Designer contains one intermittent bug that I haven't been able to track
down. Occasionally when saving a screen, you may get a syntax error on a
non-existent line number. When this happens The Designer will probably lock
up and you will have to re-boot your PC. However, the DIR command will
reveal that all is not lost - your screen has been saved as SCREEN.BAS. If
you rename it and restart The Designer, you can continue from where you were
when you were interrupted.
If you can figure out what's wrong with the program, I would like very much
to know. Please write to me at the address below.
In addition to these errors and messages, you may run across an error
message in the form:
Error Number nnn on Line Number nnn
followed by a BASIC OK. This message means that The Designer has crashed.
I would also like very much to know about crashes. Please write to Jan
Young, 767 N. Holden St., Port Washington, Wi. 53074, and include as much
detail as possible about what you were doing when the problem arose, and
what suspicions you have, if any, about the causes.
April 29, 1983 Page 13
V1.0 User's Manual
In view of the fact that The Designer is distributed entirely without charge
and contributions are wholly voluntary, all warranties are disclaimed. I
cannot be responsible in any way for direct, indirect, or consequential
damages. Any and all risk associated with using The Designer, Demo, their
data files and/or the documentation is the user's.
The Designer is distributed without charge. If you are using it and find it
to be of value, a contribution ($20 suggested) would be appreciated.
Jan B. Young
767 N. Holden St.
Port Washington, Wi. 53074
Regardless of whether you make a contribution or not, individuals, clubs,
and other non-profit organizations are granted permission to copy and
distribute programs, data files, and documentation to others, providing that
no charge is made for the software. Distribution costs may be charged to
recipients providing they do not exceed $7 per copy.
The programs, data files, and documentation may be modified as desired by
any individual or non-profit organization, and the modified materials
distributed providing the following is retained without modification: all
appearances of the copyright notice, all warranty disclaimers, all material
explaining this distribution policy, and all requests for contributions.
Users distributing modified program or documentation copies are also
required to add the words "User Modified" wherever The Designer's version
number appears and must distribute without charge (other than the $7 maximum
distribution cost).
If you have questions about The Designer, or have experienced problems with
it, I will try to help. Write to me (please don't phone) and enclose a
stamped self-addressed envelope for my reply. Please don't expect return-
mail responses since I travel quite a bit and may not even read your letter
for a week or two.
If The Designer crashes while you are using it, please let me know so I can
fix the problem. The more details you provide, the easier it will be for me
to make the fix.
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V1.0 User's Manual
If there is a reasonable level of interest in The Designer (measured by the
number of contributions I receive), I will create and make available new
releases. Some possibilities for future enhancements include: 1) Variable
line widths in the "NEW" mode, 2) Separation of scaling into a compilable
module so it will run faster, 3) use of color in high resolution (it is
possible, but limited), 4) the ability to rotate images, and 5) extension
into text-mode graphics. If you have other ideas, please write and let me
know what they are.
If you contribute once, the suggested contribution is reduced to $2 for a
new release. Just send me a diskette, a postpaid, self-addressed mailer,
and a brief note requesting a copy of the latest version. The same policy
holds if you accidentally destroy the program and want a fresh copy of the
current version. I will be unable to supply replacement copies of obsolete
April 29, 1983 Page 15
V1.0 User's Manual
Function Command Explanation
-------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------
1 NEW Cursor Arrows move the cursor.
Fn Set foreground color to n, where n is 0 or 1 in
high resolution; 0, 1, 2, or 3 in medium resolution.
Color received depends on palette selelction.
D1 Defines the first end of a diagonal line at the
current cursor location.
D2 Defines the second end of a diagonal line at the
current cursor location and causes the line to be
drawn in the current foreground color.
C1 Defines the center of a circle at the current cursor
C2 Defines the periphery of a circle at the current
cursor location and causes the circle to be drawn
in the current foreground color.
A1 Defines the center of a circular arc at the current
cursor location.
A2 Defines the radius of a circular arc and the start-
ing position at the current cursor location. (The
arc will be drawn counterclockwise from this
A3 Defines the ending position of a circular arc as a
line from the A1 location to the current cursor
position and causes the arc to be drawn in the
current foreground color.
2 SCL En Expand the image by 4*n percent.
Cn Contract the image by 4*n percent.
3 SSP Cursor Arrows reduce the box size. The up arrow,
for instance, raises the bottom of the box.
n Used as a multiplier for the speed of the cursor
G Signals that the box now represents the size of the
sprite and initiates creation of the sprite files.
4 SSC No commands
5 RSP No commands (but return to NEW is automatic and the
NEW commands can be used).
6 RSC No commands (but return to NEW is automatic and the
NEW commands can be used).
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Function Command Explanation
-------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------
7 TXT Any key (ASCII 33 to 125) can be used to create the
corresponding character.
Cursor arrows move the most recently created char-
Space bar deletes the most recently created char-
acter and blanks anything under it.
8 ANI Cursor arrows move the sprite.
A Begins use of ADD mode PUTs.
O Begins use of OR mode PUTs (alpha Oh).
X Begins use of XOR mode PUTs.
P Begins use of PSET mode PUTs (the default).
9 INS Typing any of the three-letter abbreviations will
display a series of helps explaining the use of
the corresponding function.
GEN Initiates display of helps explaining general
topics about The Designer.
CRD Causes printing of the reference card.
DRV Alters the default disk drive.
10 Stop No commands.
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